Banding Together

Banding Together

November 12, 2019 Off By JEFF

In all ages, men who neither feared God nor regarded man have combined together, and formed confederacies, to carry on the works of darkness. And herein they have shown themselves wise in their generation; for by this means they more effectually promoted the kingdom of their father the devil, than otherwise they could have done. On the other hand, men who did fear God, and desire the happiness of their fellow creatures, have, in every age, found it needful to join together, in order to oppose the works of darkness, to spread the knowledge of God their Savior, and to promote his kingdom upon earth. Indeed he himself has instructed them so to do. From the time that men were upon the earth, he hath taught them to join together in his service, and has united them in one body by one Spirit. And this very end he has joined them together, “that he might destroy the works of the devil” first in them that are already united, and by them in all that are round about them.

This is the original design of the Church of Jesus Christ. It is a body of men compacted together. In order, first, to save each his own soul; then to assist each other in working out their salvation; and, afterwards, as afar as in them lies, to save all men from present and future misery, to overturn the kingdom of Satan, and to set up the kingdom of Christ. And this ought to be the continued care and endeavor of every member of his Church; otherwise he is not worthy to be called a member thereof, as he is not a living member of Christ.

– John Wesley, “The Reformation of Manners” as referenced in the Henderickson KJV Devotional Bible (2012)