Month: October 2019

Introduction to Wellness (Part 2)

In Part 1, we discussed both the physical and mental aspects of wellness. We, also discussed how those aspects of wellness can have an effect on spiritual wellness. In fact, the answer to the issues that we deal with on the physical and mental side can be conquered if we learn to prosper spiritually. John…

By JEFF October 24, 2019 Off

Introduction to Wellness (Part 1)

So before you think that I am going off into new age or eastern religious thought, that is not the direction that I am going with this section of the blog. I do, however, believe that there is a biblical basis for living well. Before, I get to that basis, I would like to share…

By JEFF October 17, 2019 Off

Introduction to “Repair the Breach”

We live in a time of great division. You don’t have to look too far without seeing “sides” being picked on any and every issue. Of course our politics are wrought with divisiveness. We, also, see divisions along racial and ethnic lines. Some people are staunch about “building a wall” … others are staunch about…

By JEFF October 10, 2019 Off