A Place to Pray In

A Place to Pray In

November 18, 2019 Off By JEFF

But thou when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which is in secret shall reward the openly.

Matthew 6:6

Enter into thy closet.” … Did you ever say anything like this to yourself, “It is so difficult to select a Place”? What about the time when you were in love, was it impossible to select a place to meet in? No, it was far from impossible; … Think how long our Lord has waited for you; you have seen Him in your visions, now pray to Him; get a place, not a mood, but a definite material place and resort to it constantly, and pray to God as His Spirit in you will help you. Bring to the earth the promised life you have longed for, curb your impulsive undisciplined wayward nature to His use, and rule in your body like a king … Do not say, “if I only had so and so;” you have not got so and so; but you can, if you will, select a place where you are actually. We can always do what we want to do if we want to do it sufficiently keenly. Do it now, “enter into they closet”; and remember, it is a place selected to pray in, not make little addresses in, or for any other purpose than to pray in, never forget that.

– Oswald Chambers, Christian Disciplines, Volume 2, as referenced in the KJV Devotional Bible, Hendrickson Publishers, 2011 Edition.