Bringing Forth Fruit

Bringing Forth Fruit

February 2, 2020 Off By JEFF

That it may bring forth fruit.

John 15: 2

Two years ago I set out a rosebush in the corner of my garden. It was to bear yellow roses. And it was to bear them profusely. Yet during these two years, it has not produced a blossom!

I asked the florist from whom I brought the bush why it was so barren of flowers. I had cultivated it carefully; had watered it often; had made the soil around it as rich as possible. And it had grown well.

“That’s just why,” said the florist. ” That kind of rose needs the poorest soil in the garden. Sandy soil would be best, and never a bit of fertilizer. Take away the rich soil and put gravelly earth in its place. Cut the bush back severely. Then it will bloom.”

I did – and the bush blossomed forth in the most gorgeous yellow known to nature. Then I moralized: that yellow rose is just like many lives. Hardships develop beauty in the soul; they thrive on troubles; trials bring out the best in them; ease and comfort and applause only leave them barren.

Pastor Joyce from Springs in the Valley (1968) by Cowman Publications, Inc.