Introduction to “Repair the Breach”

Introduction to “Repair the Breach”

October 10, 2019 Off By JEFF

We live in a time of great division. You don’t have to look too far without seeing “sides” being picked on any and every issue. Of course our politics are wrought with divisiveness. We, also, see divisions along racial and ethnic lines. Some people are staunch about “building a wall” … others are staunch about letting everyone in. We have institutions, like the media, who seem to promote such divisiveness because … it sells! Even our advertising has seemed to jump on the bandwagon. Whether it appeals to left leaning ideology or right leaning ideology, mass media seems to thrive on keeping a “breach” between us as a people. And we, as a society, have seemed to accept this breach, this divisiveness, as what is the “new” normal.

And then there’s the church … We too have seemed to accept “worldliness” in the form of division. Not that we, as a whole, embrace it or even promote it. However, acceptance is just as dangerous as promotion because it blinds the eyes to its dangers. Paul spoke to the Corinthian church and told them that they should, “all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among” them (I Corinthians 1:10). In fact, it was so important to Paul that it was the first issue that he addressed with the Corinthians. It also appears that this division had just come to be accepted. Had not the “house of Chloe” brought it to Paul’s attention, the Corinthians would have probably been content to dwell in this dreadful condition.

As it was in Paul’s day, we suffer from the same or, at least, similar issues. We seem to be doing a whole lot of talking. However, are we speaking the same thing? Do we even desire to speak the same thing and therefore work to break down the walls of division. Do we have our “pet” doctrines or our exclusive standards that we promote as separating us from the world but also separate us from one another? Don’t get me wrong, bible doctrine is essential and Godly standards are essential to Christian living. However, in my time as a follower of Christ, I have seen those doctrines and standards used to exalt people and groups over one another, all in the name of being SPIRITUAL!

But the purpose of this blog is not just to bring people together. There is a deeper issue that needs to be resolved before we can have true unity and overcome division amongst ourselves. My burden lies in the fact that the worst division is not between us as people but rather BETWEEN US AND GOD. The main breach that needs to be repaired is the breach between God and his people. Let’s face it, the majority of Americans still identify as Christians. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, the following was concluded:

The major new survey of more than 35,000 Americans by the Pew Research Center finds that the percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who describe themselves as Christians has dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years, from 78.4% in an equally massive Pew Research survey in 2007 to 70.6% in 2014. 

70.6% is still a major majority. But why is spirituality at such an all-time low… and why does the “church'” lack effectiveness in dealing with the social issues of our day such as addiction, mental health, racial issues, etc. The answer lies in our honesty (or lack thereof) concerning our relationship with God. Read the prayer of Nehemiah in the first chapter verses 4-11. What great honesty on Nehemiah’s part. His heart was in the right place to have a true relationship with God. His honesty and his burden fanned the flames of a national revival.

What about us? II Chronicles 7:14 states it best … but are we humble and honest enough to truly receive God’s blessing. If we repair the breach between us and God then He can help us to repair the breach between one another. Fellowship starts with the Father. Once we have that then we can have fellowship with one another (I John 1:3). Our fellowship with the Father must be at the forefront of unity. Jesus said it best in Luke 12:51. Jesus is not interested in false unity. He came to “bust that up” in order for us to have true unity in Him with the Father … and then with one another.

This blog is dedicated to repairing our own breaches with the Father, wherever you and I are at in this life. I’m not interested in arguing over whose doctrine is right (By the way, Timothy resolves that issue in II Timothy 3:16). I am interested in what Paul admonished us, as believers, to do in II Corinthians 5:18-19. As an ambassador of Christ, my hope is that this blog will be used to reconcile the world (including the church world) back to God through Jesus Christ.