Let Your Light Shine

Let Your Light Shine

April 8, 2020 Off By JEFF

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick: and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5: 14-16

What a powerful, positive and affirming statement. “Ye are the light of the world.” When Jesus spoke these words, He was leaving no doubt about the mission of his followers. This was not an experience to come. They were, in that present day, the light of the world … And not just the light, they were (and are) “a city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” In other words, at that time and in that world, they stood out amongst all men. Why? Not because of their individual distinctions, abilities, talents, or even their status as a Jewish nation. No they stood out because of WHO they were following. As those in that time watched Jesus, they were also watching his followers or disciples.

Jesus goes on to explain that men do not light a candle just to put it under a bushel. In that day, a bushel was a basket of a specific size. The word in the original signified a measure containing about a pint less than a peck. Jesus was trying to get them to understand that their lives, as followers, should be about allowing the light to shine without measure … or without reserves. The purpose of the light was to put it on a candlestick so that “all that are in the house” could benefit from that light. Think of a time before there was electricity in homes, the lighting of the candle brought light into an otherwise very dark house. All it took was a little light to dispel the deep darkness that was in a place without modern electricity.

I could see Jesus almost shouting with joy, “let your light so shine before men.” Again shining not from a measured approach but from a very willing heart or willing hearts. The world was dark and truly needed the light to dispel the inherent darkness. The light was to be shined unto men who seeing their good works would, in turn, glorify the Father which is in heaven. The true purpose of lives that were filled with light was to give God the honor, glory and praise.

So, here we are in this present world. If there was ever a time for us as individuals to let our lights shine, it is now. If there was ever a time for the church to be a city that is set on a hill and cannot be hid, it is now. How we conduct ourselves but more importantly how we present Christ to the world is infinitely important. Right now, the world has had to slow down and consider. Sickness and death have become the center focus. Now is the time to let the world know that there is a hope within us. Now is the time to let them know that there is a peace of God that passeth all understanding (Philippians 4: 7).

However, the light cannot truly shine if there is a debate amongst us as a people. In America, there is a debate surrounding our rights as a people with respect to worship. In particular, do we have a right to assemble when we are being asked not to assemble. You have those that believe that it is not only our first amendment right to assemble but use Hebrews 10: 25 to bolster their opinion. Most that espouse to this belief also believe that God will protect them and build a fence around them. Psalm 91 also supports their beliefs.

The other side believes that as Christians, we need to obey the laws of the land. They believe that we should be considerate of the government and their positions on social distancing and not to assemble together for the short term. They use the scriptures Matthew 22: 21 and Romans 13: 1 to bolster their position.

Which side is right? I think the right answer lies in Matthew 5: 16:

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

The focus should not be on who is right. The focus should be on glorifying the Father. Our “good works” should be about glorifying our Father and not about us; our beliefs; our doctrine. If we focus on glorifying the Father, we will let our lights shine … we will make the right call. The candle will not be put under a bushel (beliefs, doctrines, standards, laws). The light will shine from the heart and we will understand the reason for what we are being asked to do without having a law tell us what to do.

As followers of Jesus Christ, “ye are the light of the world.” A very present, powerful and positive position. As lights, let us truly shine so that we may provide the light that is needed, at this time, in this present world. What a time to shine!