Tag: healthy

Healthy Families: Epilogue

So this blog series is not the definitive answer on how to obtain and maintain a healthy home. And I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. There are many who have greater wisdom on the subject, either through experience or age or by just having more knowledge. My attempt, as frail…

By JEFF November 15, 2020 Off

Healthy Families vs. Unhealthy Finances

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6: 10 Another of the top reasons that leads to divorce and adversely affects the family are financial issues. The following quote is from…

By JEFF September 23, 2020 Off

Healthy Families Vs. The Sexual Revolution

Going back to the Pew Research Study and in particular the chart above that shows the percentage of children growing up in the various “family” arrangements. Starting in 1960, one will begin to see the gradual decline of the traditional two parent household. As stated in the previous post, when you look at the 1960’s…

By JEFF September 9, 2020 Off

Healthy Relationships

Due to recent current events in the United States, it has caused me to examine how we, as the church, can be more effective in being leaders in the efforts to finding a solution. Whether it be the response to the coronavirus pandemic or the response to the racial unrest that continues to plague the…

By JEFF July 1, 2020 Off